Doula Training Center



Who & Why

Hello! We are Katie (left), Jess (middle), and Martha (right), and we are the crew leading Doula Training Center.

We’ve been doulas for several years in southern Oregon and came together with the common goal of supporting other doulas through this journey.

As the “seasoned” Traditional Health Worker (THW) Doulas in our community, we often got calls from doulas that had just taken a doula training and “did not know what to do next.” Personally having taken multiple trainings, we saw a need for quality doula trainings that equipped new doulas with the tools to start off strong in this new career.

With the increased demand for Traditional Health Worker (THW) Doulas and the barriers faced to go through this state designation, we were really left with no choice but to develop our own curriculum that encompassed all that a doula training has to offer, remove as many challenges as possible for more doula to qualify for the THW Doula designation, and more.

Since the launch of our program in October 2021:

  • We’ve had three training cohorts and one mentorship cohort

  • Our program was approved by the Oregon Health Authority

  • Certified 22 doulas

  • 17% have received their THW Doula designation

  • 18 % working on attending the required 3 births

We welcome you into this journey - Join us for an upcoming training!